Friday 20 April 2007

A List Apart

I'm absolutely freaking about my work schedule.
I really haven't grasped the idea of CSS at all. However, I've found this site A List Apart which is a rather fantastic site dedicated to web designers. Hopefully it will help me with my super fast learning I need to do.

Monday 9 April 2007

My Easter Ancestory

Well, seeing as it's Easter time I thought I'd do a little research into my namesake. St Andrew was a dude! Not only was he one of the first disciples but he traveled a lot and healed the sick, started religions and built cathedrals. Those who resisted his teachings became possessed and gnawed at their bodies until Andrew healed them.

He was then crucified onto an X shaped cross (he was tied, not nailed) and left to die upside down looking at the heavens. Cool!

Other findings, the X shaped cross is used in both the Scottish and British flags and he is the patron Saint of Scotland.

How very cool!